Thank you for your interest in writing a guest post for the Tri-Cities Business Directory. We feature guest writers on our blog and promote all published posts to our social media network. Please read through these guidelines fully before submitting your post for review. By submitting a guest post for our consideration, you confirm that you agree to these terms.
Please be sure to add [email protected] to your whitelist to ensure you receive our replies. If you have e-mailed us and have not received a response, please check your junk or spam folders.
- ORIGINALITY: All guest posts should be original (never before published) content by an author associated with the company providing the post. Your guest post cannot appear elsewhere online. Once your post is accepted for publication, you grant us permission to be the sole publisher of your content and agree not to publish it elsewhere, including your own blog.
- LENGTH: Posts should be a minimum of 300 words.
- LINKS: Feel free to link back to your business page, products, and services.
- TOPIC: Write about your business (how you got started, why you chose the Tri-Cities, a new product or service, etc.) or what you love about the Tri-Cities (you do not have to own a business). This is a Tri-Cities site, so the topic must be relevant to the Tri-Cities (Johnson City, Kingsport, Bristol and the surrounding areas of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia).
- BIO: Please provide the following information:
- A current e-mail address (will not be made public)
- A short bio, 50 words or less (may include a link to the company website)
- Any social profile links to be included in the author profile (if you provide a Twitter handle, we will mention you when promoting the post)
- You can use your first and last name or first name only
- IMAGES: You do not need to provide images with your submitted post unless they are directly related to the content (i.e., screenshots related to the content of the post), but if you have some relevant images, we’re happy to include them.
- SUBMISSION: Please submit your post as a Word document or pasted in the body of an e-mail message to [email protected]. No PDFs or HTML formatting, please.
- ACCEPTANCE/NOTIFICATION: We’ll review the content and let you know when it will be published.
- EDITS: At the time of publishing we may lightly edit the post for readability, and relevant internal and external links may be added.
- COST: There are (of course) no fees associated with publishing a guest post on our site.